CRC::APtr< T > | A reference counting ptr that auto-deletes what it points to when the last copy leaves scope or is otherwise destructed |
▼CRC::BaseRND | An abstract class which provides functions for obtaining randomness in convenient forms |
CRC::EntropyRND | Provides true random numbers sourced from environmental noise |
CRC::RND | A Mersenne Twister random number generator class with integer, array, or time-based seeding |
CRC::URand | Cryptographically strong RNG, uses /dev/urandom |
CRC::Bitfield | A bounds-safe one-dimensional vector-like structure of efficiently packed bits |
CRC::Bitfield2D | A bounds-safe two-dimensional structure of efficiently packed bits |
CRC::Bitfield3D | A bounds-safe three-dimensional structure of efficiently packed bits |
CRC::Bitfield::BitfieldBool | A temporary return-type that serves as an interface to specific bit values |
CRC::Bitfield::BitfieldBoolConst | A temporary return-type that serves as a const interface to specific bit values |
CRC::Data1D< T > | A bounds-safe one-dimensional vector-like structure |
CRC::Data1D< u32 > | |
CRC::Data2D< T > | A bounds-safe two-dimensional resizeable structure |
CRC::Data3D< T > | A bounds-safe three-dimensional resizeable structure |
CRC::DebugTrack< ClassTracking, stack_trace > | Inherit this class to add construction, destruction, and assignment output tracking |
CRC::DynamicLibrary | Opens a dynamic library filename and stores a handle to it. Use as second parameter for RC_DYNAMIC_LOAD_FUNC(FuncName,DynLib) |
CRC::DynCaller | A typeless container for a Caller, which has methods for dynamically casting it to the correct type |
CRC::Endian | Auto-detects the endianness of the compilation target, and provides automatic endian conversion features |
▼Cstd::exception | |
▼CRC::ErrorMsg | An exception class that records where the exception was thrown and provides a stack trace |
CRC::ErrorMsgBounds | A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Bounds errors |
CRC::ErrorMsgCast | A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Bad Cast errors |
CRC::ErrorMsgFatal | A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Fatal errors |
CRC::ErrorMsgFile | A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for File related errors |
CRC::ErrorMsgMemory | A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Memory errors |
CRC::ErrorMsgNet | A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Networking related errors |
CRC::ErrorMsgNull | A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Null errors |
CRC::File | A class with static methods for file and directory info and manipulation |
▼CRC::FileBase | Provides the common methods for the FileRead/FileWrite/FileRW classes |
▼CRC::FileRead | A file reading class that provides buffered and unbuffered access to files with support for non-POD classes |
CRC::FileRW | A file class for both reading and writing that provides buffered and unbuffered output to files |
▼CRC::FileWrite | A file writing class that provides buffered and unbuffered output to files with support for non-POD classes |
CRC::FileRW | A file class for both reading and writing that provides buffered and unbuffered output to files |
CRC::HoldRelated< Hold, Provide > | Stores the value of type Hold while providing access via type Provide |
▼Cstd::iterator | |
CRC::RAIter< Cont, T > | A bounds-checked iterator for random-access containers that knows when its target was deleted |
CRC::Net::Listener | Listens to the specified port for incoming TCP connections |
CRC::LoopIndex | A size_t like integer class which automatically stays within its range |
CRC::Net | Provides both client and server sides of blocking TCP connections |
CRC::PluralStr | Provides number-based singular/plural string management |
CRC::Ptr< T > | A safe pointer class that throws an RC::ErrorMsgNull if a null dereference is attempted |
CRC::RevPtr< T > | A reference counting pointer that revokes (NULLs) all copies when one set to AutoRevoke(true) leaves scope |
CRC::RevPtr< Cont > | |
CRC::RStr | A bounds-safe string class which provides an identical interface to std::string plus many convenience functions for string manipulation |
CRC::Segfault | A static class for catching and throwing segfaults |
CRC::Sock | A portable socket interface for reading and writing to an open socket |
CRC::Time | Accesses and formats the system date and time, and provides high precision timing |
CRC::TimeOfDay | A class which obeys periodic time-of-day boundaries, and can manage times being within a daily time frame |
▼CTupleBucket | |
CRC::Tuple< Types > | An efficient Tuple class with Set, Get, and an Apply function to pass the tuple contents on to any function |
▼CRC::UntypedCaller | The base class of Caller without return type or parameters specified |
CRC::Caller< Ret, Params > | A general purpose function class which can refer to any static method, member method, functor, or lambda function |