Accesses and formats the system date and time, and provides high precision timing.
static f64 | Get () |
| Returns seconds since 1970-01-01 epoch to a precision between 100 nanoseconds and 1 microsecond.
static f64 | Get (time_t tt) |
| Converts a time_t value into seconds from the 1970-01-01 epoch.
static f64 | Get (struct tm tmval) |
| Returns the seconds from the 1970-01-01 epoch for tmval.
static f64 | Get_UTC (struct tm tmval) |
| Given a UTC struct tm, returns the seconds since epoch portably.
static f64 | GetPrecision () |
| Empirically determines the precision of Get(), and stores this value for future calls to this. More...
static i32 | GetTimezone () |
| Returns the number of seconds offset from UTC.
static Data1D< i32 > | GetTimezoneData () |
| Returns { hours, min, sec } offset from UTC.
static struct tm | Local2UTC (struct tm tmval) |
| Returns the local time given UTC time tmval.
static struct tm | UTC2Local (struct tm tmval) |
| Returns the UTC time given local time tmval.
static time_t | Get_time_t () |
| Returns time_t as number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
static time_t | Get_time_t (f64 val) |
| Portably converts val as seconds since 1970-01-01 epoch to time_t.
static time_t | Get_time_t (struct tm tmval) |
| Converts tmval in local timezone to time_t.
static time_t | Get_time_t_UTC (struct tm tmval) |
| Converts tmval in UTC to time_t.
static void | Normalize (struct tm &tmval) |
| Normalizes the input tmval.
static struct tm | Get_tm () |
| Provides a struct tm in the local timezone for the current time.
static struct tm | Get_tm (time_t tt) |
| Provides a struct tm in the current timezone for the given time_t.
static struct tm | Get_tm (f64 val) |
| Provides a struct tm in the local timezone for val seconds from the 1970-01-01 epoch.
static struct tm | Get_tm_UTC () |
| Provides a struct tm in UTC for the current time.
static struct tm | Get_tm_UTC (time_t tt) |
| Provides a struct tm in UTC for the given time_t.
static struct tm | Get_tm_UTC (f64 val) |
| Provides a struct tm in the local timezone for val seconds from the 1970-01-01 epoch.
static struct tm | Get_tm (struct tm tmval) |
| Returns a normalized struct tm.
static RStr | GetStr () |
| Provides the current time in the format "Fri Aug 1 17:05:25 2014".
static RStr | GetStr (struct tm tmval) |
| Provides the time in the format "Fri Aug 1 17:05:25 2014".
static RStr | GetStr_UTC () |
| Provides the UTC time in the format "Fri Aug 1 17:05:25 2014".
static RStr | GetStr (const RStr &format) |
| Provides the local time as a string with the format processed by strftime.
static RStr | GetStr (const RStr &format, struct tm tmval) |
| Provides the tmval as a string with the format processed by strftime.
static RStr | GetStr_UTC (const RStr &format) |
| Provides the UTC time as a string with the format processed by strftime.
static RStr | GetDate () |
| Returns a local date string formatted like "2011-07-28".
static RStr | GetDate (struct tm tmval) |
| Returns a date string for tmval formatted like "2011-07-28".
static RStr | GetDate_UTC () |
| Returns a UTC date string formatted like "2011-07-28".
static RStr | GetTime () |
| Returns a local time string formatted like "19:49:18".
static RStr | GetTime (struct tm tmval) |
| Returns a time string for tmval formatted like "19:49:18".
static RStr | GetTime_UTC () |
| Returns a UTC time string formatted like "19:49:18".
static RStr | GetDateTime () |
| Returns a local date-time string formatted like "2011-07-28_19-49-18", which is suitable for filenames.
static RStr | GetDateTime (struct tm tmval) |
| Returns a date-time string from tmval formatted like "2011-07-28_19-49-18", which is suitable for filenames.
static RStr | GetDateTime_UTC () |
| Returns a UTC date-time string formatted like "2011-07-28_19-49-18", which is suitable for filenames.
static struct tm | ParseDate (const RStr &date, struct tm tmval) |
| Parses a date string like 2011-07-28, 2011-7-28, 07-28, 7-28, or "/" instead of "-", into base tmval.
static struct tm | ParseDate (const RStr &date) |
| Parses a date string like 2011-07-28, 2011-7-28, 07-28, 7-28, or "/" instead of "-", into base local time.
static struct tm | ParseDate_UTC (const RStr &date) |
| Parses a date string like 2011-07-28, 2011-7-28, 07-28, 7-28, or "/" instead of "-", into base UTC time.
static struct tm | ParseTime (const RStr &date, struct tm tmval) |
| Parses a time string like 19:49:18, 19:49, or "-" instead of ":", into base tmval.
static struct tm | ParseTime (const RStr &date) |
| Parses a time string like 19:49:18, 19:49, or "-" instead of ":", into base local time.
static struct tm | ParseTime_UTC (const RStr &date) |
| Parses a time string like 19:49:18, 19:49, or "-" instead of ":", into base UTC time.
static struct tm | ParseDateTime (const RStr &date, struct tm tmval) |
| Parses a string like ParseDate and ParseTime separated by "_" or " ", into base tmval.
static struct tm | ParseDateTime (const RStr &date) |
| Parses a string like ParseDate and ParseTime separated by "_" or " ", into base local time.
static struct tm | ParseDateTime_UTC (const RStr &date) |
| Parses a string like ParseDate and ParseTime separated by "_" or " ", into base UTC time.
static void | Sleep (f64 seconds) |
| Sleeps for a floating point number of seconds, with sub-second precision to the limit of the system.
Accesses and formats the system date and time, and provides high precision timing.