RC Lib  Version 202403231100
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
RC Namespace Reference


class  APtr
 A reference counting ptr that auto-deletes what it points to when the last copy leaves scope or is otherwise destructed. More...
class  Bitfield
 A bounds-safe one-dimensional vector-like structure of efficiently packed bits. More...
class  Bitfield2D
 A bounds-safe two-dimensional structure of efficiently packed bits. More...
class  Bitfield3D
 A bounds-safe three-dimensional structure of efficiently packed bits. More...
class  UntypedCaller
 The base class of Caller without return type or parameters specified. More...
class  Caller
 A general purpose function class which can refer to any static method, member method, functor, or lambda function. More...
class  DynCaller
 A typeless container for a Caller, which has methods for dynamically casting it to the correct type. More...
class  Data1D
 A bounds-safe one-dimensional vector-like structure. More...
class  Data2D
 A bounds-safe two-dimensional resizeable structure. More...
class  Data3D
 A bounds-safe three-dimensional resizeable structure. More...
class  ErrorMsg
 An exception class that records where the exception was thrown and provides a stack trace. More...
class  ErrorMsgFatal
 A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Fatal errors. More...
class  ErrorMsgNull
 A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Null errors. More...
class  ErrorMsgBounds
 A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Bounds errors. More...
class  ErrorMsgMemory
 A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Memory errors. More...
class  ErrorMsgCast
 A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Bad Cast errors. More...
class  ErrorMsgFile
 A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for File related errors. More...
class  ErrorMsgNet
 A subtype of RC::ErrorMsg for Networking related errors. More...
class  Segfault
 A static class for catching and throwing segfaults. More...
class  FileBase
 Provides the common methods for the FileRead/FileWrite/FileRW classes. More...
class  FileRead
 A file reading class that provides buffered and unbuffered access to files with support for non-POD classes. More...
class  FileWrite
 A file writing class that provides buffered and unbuffered output to files with support for non-POD classes. More...
class  FileRW
 A file class for both reading and writing that provides buffered and unbuffered output to files. More...
class  File
 A class with static methods for file and directory info and manipulation. More...
class  RAIter
 A bounds-checked iterator for random-access containers that knows when its target was deleted. More...
class  Sock
 A portable socket interface for reading and writing to an open socket. More...
class  Net
 Provides both client and server sides of blocking TCP connections. More...
class  Ptr
 A safe pointer class that throws an RC::ErrorMsgNull if a null dereference is attempted. More...
class  LoopIndex
 A size_t like integer class which automatically stays within its range. More...
class  HoldRelated
 Stores the value of type Hold while providing access via type Provide. More...
class  DebugTrack
 Inherit this class to add construction, destruction, and assignment output tracking. More...
class  DynamicLibrary
 Opens a dynamic library filename and stores a handle to it. Use as second parameter for RC_DYNAMIC_LOAD_FUNC(FuncName,DynLib) More...
class  RevPtr
 A reference counting pointer that revokes (NULLs) all copies when one set to AutoRevoke(true) leaves scope. More...
class  BaseRND
 An abstract class which provides functions for obtaining randomness in convenient forms. More...
class  RND
 A Mersenne Twister random number generator class with integer, array, or time-based seeding. More...
class  EntropyRND
 Provides true random numbers sourced from environmental noise. More...
class  URand
 Cryptographically strong RNG, uses /dev/urandom. More...
class  RStr
 A bounds-safe string class which provides an identical interface to std::string plus many convenience functions for string manipulation. More...
class  PluralStr
 Provides number-based singular/plural string management. More...
class  Time
 Accesses and formats the system date and time, and provides high precision timing. More...
class  TimeOfDay
 A class which obeys periodic time-of-day boundaries, and can manage times being within a daily time frame. More...
class  Tuple
 An efficient Tuple class with Set, Get, and an Apply function to pass the tuple contents on to any function. More...
class  Endian
 Auto-detects the endianness of the compilation target, and provides automatic endian conversion features. More...


typedef RAIter< RStr, char > RStrIter
 The random-access iterator for RStr begin() and end()
template<class FT >
using FuncPtr = FT *
 Clean C-style function pointers: FuncPtr<void(int)> f = &func; f(4);.
template<class C , class FT >
using MemFuncPtr = FT(C::*)
 Clean function pointer syntax for member function. More...


enum  WriteMode { TRUNCATE =0 , KEEP , APPEND , NEWONLY }
 Valid write modes for a FileWrite or FileRW. More...
enum  RStr_IntStyle {
  DEC =100000 , HEX , HEX0x , OCT ,
 The styles in which an integral number can be formatted. More...
enum  RStr_FloatStyle { AUTO =100000 , FIXED , SCI }
 The styles in which a floating point number can be formatted. More...


template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, APtr< T > obj)
 A convenience stream output for displaying the enclosed object.
template<class T , class... Args>
APtr< T > MakeAPtr (Args &&... args)
 Create a new APtr<T> constructed with the given arguments.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bitfield &b)
 Outputs data to a stream as a character series of '1's and '0's. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bitfield2D &b)
 Outputs data to a stream as a character series of '1's and '0's, with newlines trailing each entry of dimension 2. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bitfield3D &b)
 Outputs data to a stream as a character series of '1's and '0's, with newlines trailing each entry of dimension 2, and double-spaces after entries of dimension 3. More...
template<class C , class Ret , class... Params>
Caller< Ret, Params... > MakeCaller (C *obj, Ret(C::*func)(Params...))
 Generates a Caller for the member function of the given object, with type inference.
template<class C , class Ret , class... Params>
Caller< Ret, Params... > MakeCaller (C &obj, Ret(C::*func)(Params...))
 Generates a Caller for the member function of the given object, with type inference.
template<class C , class Ret , class... Params>
Caller< Ret, C &, Params... > MakeCaller (Ret(C::*func)(Params...))
 Generates a Caller for the member function with type inference, inserting a first parameter with a reference to the object.
template<class Ret , class... Params>
Caller< Ret, Params... > MakeCaller (Ret(*func)(Params...))
 Generates a Caller for the specified static function, with type inference.
template<class Ret , class... Params, class Functor >
Caller< Ret, Params... > MakeFunctor (Functor func)
 A special generator for functors, which requires specifying the return type and arguments. More...
template<class C , class MemberFunc >
auto MakeCaller (Ptr< C > obj, MemberFunc func) -> decltype(MakeCaller(obj.Raw(), func))
 Generates a Caller for the member function of the given object, with type inference.
template<class C , class MemberFunc >
auto MakeCaller (APtr< C > obj, MemberFunc func) -> decltype(MakeCaller(obj.Raw(), func))
 Generates a Caller for the member function of the given object, with type inference.
template<class C , class MemberFunc >
auto MakeCaller (RevPtr< C > obj, MemberFunc func) -> decltype(MakeCaller(obj.Raw(), func))
 Generates a Caller for the member function of the given object, with type inference.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Data1D< char > &d)
 Outputs all chars to a stream without terminating at null. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Data1D< u8 > &d)
 Outputs data to a stream as { 61, 62, ... }. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Data1D< i8 > &d)
 Outputs data to a stream as { 61, -42, ... }. More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Data1D< T > &d)
 Outputs data to a stream as { elem0, elem1, ... }. More...
template<class T >
void swap (RC::Data1D< T > &a, RC::Data1D< T > &b)
 Efficiently swap all the contents of a and b.
template<class T , size_t N>
auto MakeData1D (T(&arr)[N]) -> RC::Data1D< T >
 Convenience generator for safely converting C-style arrays.
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Data2D< T > &d)
 Outputs data to a stream as { { x_0_0, x_1_0, ...}, { x_0_1, x_1_1, ...}, ... }. More...
template<class T2 >
void swap (Data2D< T2 > &a, Data2D< T2 > &b)
 Efficiently swap all the contents of a and b.
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Data3D< T > &d)
 Outputs data to a stream. More...
template<class T2 >
void swap (Data3D< T2 > &a, Data3D< T2 > &b)
 Efficiently swap all the contents of a and b.
template<class T >
bool FileGetWrapper (FileRead &fr, T &data)
 Overload this with a specialization to support Get on a custom type. More...
template<class T >
void FilePutWrapper (FileWrite &fw, const T &data)
 Overload this with a specialization to support Put on a custom type. More...
bool FileGetWrapper< std::string > (FileRead &fr, std::string &data)
 A specialization for handling std::string objects.
void FilePutWrapper< std::string > (FileWrite &fw, const std::string &data)
 A specialization for handling std::string objects.
template<class Cont , class T >
RAIter< Cont, T > operator+ (size_t x, const RAIter< Cont, T > &iter)
 Returns a new iterator with an offset incremented by x.
template<class T >
void UnusedVar (const T &)
 Mark an unused variable to suppress warnings.
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Ptr< T > obj)
 A convenience stream output for displaying the enclosed object.
template<class T , class... Args>
Ptr< T > MakePtr (Args &&... args)
 Create a new Ptr<T> constructed with the given arguments.
template<class T >
BetwCompare< T > Betw (const T &x)
 Returns a comparator that can be used for range comparisons. More...
template<class... Args>
OneOfCompare< Args... > OneOf (Args... args)
 Returns a comparator that can be used to check if something is in a list. More...
template<class T >
RangeHelper< T > Range (const T &start, const T &past_the_end)
 Provides an iterator which dereferences to the iterated values [start,past_the_end). More...
template<class T2 >
auto IndexOf (const T2 &cont) -> RangeHelper< decltype(cont.size())>
 Provides an iterator which dereferences to the indices of cont from [0,cont.size()). More...
template<class T , class T2 >
CheckedCast (const T2 &x)
 For integer and floating point types, Throws RC::ErrorMsgBounds if the value of x does not fit into T. Use as CheckedCast<T>(x)
template<class T , class T2 >
CappedCast (const T2 &x)
 For integer and floating point types, caps the cast value of x to be within bounds of type T. Use as CappedCast<T>(x)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, RevPtr< T > obj)
 A convenience stream output for displaying the enclosed object.
template<class T , class... Args>
RevPtr< T > MakeRevPtr (Args &&... args)
 Create a new RevPtr<T> constructed with the given arguments.
u64 RND_Get_Range (u64 range)
 Uses RND as a RandomNumberGenerator, e.g. for random_shuffle. More...
u64 EntropyRND_Get_Range (u64 range)
 Uses EntropyRND as a RandomNumberGenerator, e.g. for random_shuffle. More...
u64 URand_Get_Range (u64 range)
 Uses URand as a RandomNumberGenerator, e.g. for random_shuffle. More...
 This returns a singleton of RND .
EntropyRNDEntropyRND_Gen ()
 This returns a singleton of EntropyRND .
URandURand_Gen ()
 This returns a singleton of URand .
RStr operator+ (const RStr &lhs, const RStr &rhs)
 Concatenates two RStr'ings.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, RStr &rstr)
 Input text from a std::istream (e.g., std::cin) into an RStr.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RStr &rstr)
 Output text from an RStr to a std::ostream (e.g., std::cout).
void swap (RStr &lhs, RStr &rhs)
 Swaps two RStr'ings.
std::istream & getline (std::istream &is, RStr &str, char delim='\n')
 Sets str equal to one line from the input stream, up to end of file or the delim, which is discarded.
bool operator== (const RStr &lhs, const RStr &rhs)
 True if lhs equals rhs.
bool operator!= (const RStr &lhs, const RStr &rhs)
 True if lhs does not equal rhs.
bool operator< (const RStr &lhs, const RStr &rhs)
 True if lhs is less than rhs.
bool operator> (const RStr &lhs, const RStr &rhs)
 True if lhs is greater than rhs.
bool operator<= (const RStr &lhs, const RStr &rhs)
 True if lhs is less than or equal to rhs.
bool operator>= (const RStr &lhs, const RStr &rhs)
 True if lhs is greater than or equal to rhs.
const RStr REG_FLT ("[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+[eE][-+]?[0-9]+|[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+")
 A regular expression component to match a floating point number.
const RStr REG_FLTP ("([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+[eE][-+]?[0-9]+|[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)")
 A regular expression component to match and return a floating point number.
template<class... Types>
Tuple< Types... > MakeTuple (Types... types)
 A convenience generator to make a Tuple from the given elements with type inference.
template<class T >
bool IsSignedType (const T &x __attribute__((unused))=0)
 True if the type is signed. More...
template<class T >
bool IsIntegerType (const T &x __attribute__((unused))=1)
 True if the type is an integer type. More...
template<class T >
void AssertFloat ()
 For generating compilation errors if the type is not a float.
template<class T >
void AssertInteger ()
 For generating compilation errors if the type is not an integer.
template<class T >
auto ForceFloat (T val) -> typename ForceFloatHelper< T, FloatType< T >::value >::type
 If T is a float type, return the same type. Otherwise return it as an f64.
template<class T >
std::make_unsigned< T >::type ForceUnsigned (T val)
 Returns the unsigned equivalent to the given type.
template<class T >
std::make_signed< T >::type ForceSigned (T val)
 Returns the signed equivalent to the given type.
template<class T >
MIN_VAL (const T &x __attribute__((unused))=std::numeric_limits< T >::min())
 Provide the minimum value held by this type. For floats, the smallest positive value. More...
template<class T >
MAX_VAL (const T &x __attribute__((unused))=std::numeric_limits< T >::max())
 Provide the maximum value held by this type. More...
template<class T >
LOW_VAL (const T &x __attribute__((unused))=std::numeric_limits< T >::lowest())
 Provide the lowest value held by this type, for which no value is less. More...
template<class T >
MIN_POS (const T &x __attribute__((unused))=MIN_POS_Helper< T, FloatType< T >::value >::F())
 Provide the minimum positive value held by this type. More...


const size_t ErrorMsg_text_size = 4095
 The maximum size of the char array returned by ErrorMsg::what() and ErrorMsg::GetError(), including the null.
const size_t ErrorMsg_type_bufsize = 256
 The maximum size of the char array returned by ErrorMsg::GetType(), including the null.

Detailed Description

Note: RC_EMPTY, RC_ARGS_NUM, RC_ARGS_EACH, RC_ARGS_BET, RC_ARGS_LIST, and RC_DEBOUT require each of their parameters to begin with a letter, number, or underscore.

Typedef Documentation

◆ MemFuncPtr

template<class C , class FT >
using RC::MemFuncPtr = typedef FT(C::*)

Clean function pointer syntax for member function.

MemFuncPtr<A, void(int)> f = &A::func; A a; (a.*f)(4);

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ RStr_FloatStyle

The styles in which a floating point number can be formatted.

AUTO == determine the format automatically, FIXED == as 0.0000123, SCI == as 1.23e-5 SCI treats the precision parameter as a count of significant digits. FIXED treats the precision parameter as digits right of the decimal point. AUTO treats the precision parameter as the most significant digits to show, but trims trailing zeros.

◆ RStr_IntStyle

The styles in which an integral number can be formatted.

DEC == decimal, HEX == hexadecimal, HEX0x == hexadecimal with "0x" prepended, OCT == octal, OCT0 == octal with "0" prepended, BIN == binary, CHAR == treated as a character.

◆ WriteMode

Valid write modes for a FileWrite or FileRW.

TRUNCATE sets the file size to 0. KEEP preserves the file contents, setting the initial position to the beginning of the file. APPEND starts the read position at the beginning of the file but all Write/Put operations are forced to the end of the file. NEWONLY will only succeed if the file does not already exist.

Function Documentation

◆ Betw()

template<class T >
BetwCompare<T> RC::Betw ( const T &  x)

Returns a comparator that can be used for range comparisons.

Usage exmple: if (3.14 < Betw(5) <= 7) { cout << "Yes\n"; } Works for any comparable types, as long as one of the left-most two in the chain is wrapped in Betw.

◆ EntropyRND_Get_Range()

u64 RC::EntropyRND_Get_Range ( u64  range)

Uses EntropyRND as a RandomNumberGenerator, e.g. for random_shuffle.

rangeThe range of values that can be returned, starting with 0.
A random value from 0 up to and including range-1.

◆ FileGetWrapper()

template<class T >
bool RC::FileGetWrapper ( FileRead fr,
T &  data 

Overload this with a specialization to support Get on a custom type.

The default FileGetWrapper for plain old data, which calls RawGet.

An implementation of this should use the FileRead's methods Get and RawGet to read other supported types or primitives, then place the result in data.

True if the Get succeeded.

◆ FilePutWrapper()

template<class T >
void RC::FilePutWrapper ( FileWrite fw,
const T &  data 

Overload this with a specialization to support Put on a custom type.

The default FilePutWrapper for plain old data, which calls RawPut.

An implementation of this should take the value of data and use the FileWrite's methods Put and RawPut to write other supported types or primitives.

◆ IndexOf()

template<class T2 >
auto RC::IndexOf ( const T2 &  cont) -> RangeHelper<decltype(cont.size())>

Provides an iterator which dereferences to the indices of cont from [0,cont.size()).

Usage example: for (auto i : IndexOf(cont)) { cout << cont[i]; }

◆ IsIntegerType()

template<class T >
bool RC::IsIntegerType ( const T &x   __attribute__(unused) = 1)

True if the type is an integer type.

Use as IsIntegerType<u32>() or u32 x; IsIntegerType(x);

◆ IsSignedType()

template<class T >
bool RC::IsSignedType ( const T &x   __attribute__(unused) = 0)

True if the type is signed.

Use as IsSignedType<u32>() or u32 x; IsSignedType(x);


template<class T >
T RC::LOW_VAL ( const T &x   __attribute__(unused) = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())

Provide the lowest value held by this type, for which no value is less.

Use as LOW_VAL<f32>() or as f32 x = LOW_VAL(x);

◆ MakeFunctor()

template<class Ret , class... Params, class Functor >
Caller<Ret, Params...> RC::MakeFunctor ( Functor  func)

A special generator for functors, which requires specifying the return type and arguments.

Template parameters are specified as the return type followed by a list of the arguments.


template<class T >
T RC::MAX_VAL ( const T &x   __attribute__(unused) = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())

Provide the maximum value held by this type.

Use as MAX_VAL<u32>() or as u32 x = MAX_VAL(x);


template<class T >
T RC::MIN_POS ( const T &x   __attribute__(unused) = MIN_POS_Helper<T, FloatType<T>::value>::F())

Provide the minimum positive value held by this type.

Use as MIN_POS<f32>() or as f32 x = MIN_POS(x);


template<class T >
T RC::MIN_VAL ( const T &x   __attribute__(unused) = std::numeric_limits<T>::min())

Provide the minimum value held by this type. For floats, the smallest positive value.

Use as MIN_VAL<u32>() or as u32 x = MIN_VAL(x);

◆ OneOf()

template<class... Args>
OneOfCompare<Args...> RC::OneOf ( Args...  args)

Returns a comparator that can be used to check if something is in a list.

Each element given as a parameter to OneOf is constructed with the type of the object left of the == or != operator. Usage exmple: RStr str = "foo"; if (str != OneOf("bar", -3.54, "blah")) { cout << "Not Found\n"; } int x = 8; if (5 == OneOf(3.14, 5, x)) { cout << "Found\n"; }

◆ operator<<() [1/9]

std::ostream& RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Bitfield b 

Outputs data to a stream as a character series of '1's and '0's.

Usage like Bitfield bf; std::cout << bf << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [2/9]

std::ostream& RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Bitfield2D b 

Outputs data to a stream as a character series of '1's and '0's, with newlines trailing each entry of dimension 2.

Usage like Bitfield2D bf; std::cout << bf << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [3/9]

std::ostream& RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Bitfield3D b 

Outputs data to a stream as a character series of '1's and '0's, with newlines trailing each entry of dimension 2, and double-spaces after entries of dimension 3.

Usage like Bitfield3D bf; std::cout << bf << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [4/9]

std::ostream& RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Data1D< char > &  d 

Outputs all chars to a stream without terminating at null.

Usage like: Data1D<char> data; std::cout << data << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [5/9]

std::ostream& RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Data1D< i8 > &  d 

Outputs data to a stream as { 61, -42, ... }.

Usage like: Data1D<i8> data; std::cout << data << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [6/9]

template<class T >
std::ostream& RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Data1D< T > &  d 

Outputs data to a stream as { elem0, elem1, ... }.

Usage like: Data1D<RStr> data; std::cout << data << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [7/9]

std::ostream& RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Data1D< u8 > &  d 

Outputs data to a stream as { 61, 62, ... }.

Usage like: Data1D<u8> data; std::cout << data << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [8/9]

template<class T >
std::ostream & RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Data2D< T > &  d 

Outputs data to a stream as { { x_0_0, x_1_0, ...}, { x_0_1, x_1_1, ...}, ... }.

Usage like: Data2D<RStr> data; std::cout << data << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [9/9]

template<class T >
std::ostream & RC::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Data3D< T > &  d 

Outputs data to a stream.

For d_x_y_z, formatted as { { { d_0_0_0, d_1_0_0, ...}, { d_0_1_0, d_1_1_0, ...}, ... }, { { d_0_0_1, d_1_0_1, ...}, { d_0_1_1, d_1_1_1, ...}, ... }, ... } Usage like: Data3D<RStr> data; std::cout << data << std::endl;

◆ Range()

template<class T >
RangeHelper<T> RC::Range ( const T &  start,
const T &  past_the_end 

Provides an iterator which dereferences to the iterated values [start,past_the_end).

Usage example, outputs 5 through 9: for (auto i : Range(5, 10)) { cout << i << endl; } This is a generalization, since: for (auto iter : Range(cont.begin(), cont.end())) { ... } is equivalent to the canonical: for (auto iter : cont) { ... }

◆ RND_Get_Range()

u64 RC::RND_Get_Range ( u64  range)

Uses RND as a RandomNumberGenerator, e.g. for random_shuffle.

rangeThe range of values that can be returned, starting with 0.
A random value from 0 up to and including range-1.

◆ URand_Get_Range()

u64 RC::URand_Get_Range ( u64  range)

Uses URand as a RandomNumberGenerator, e.g. for random_shuffle.

rangeThe range of values that can be returned, starting with 0.
A random value from 0 up to and including range-1.
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